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The brain is the source of all qualities that characterize us. This complex human organ is also a fascinating subject for tattoos and carries powerful symbolism. Breast cancer, signified by a pink ribbon, is the most common cancer in the world. Lung cancer is second and marked by a white ribbon. Prostate cancer is third and represented by a ribbon of light blue. Some types of aneurysms may occur after a head injury or from certain blood infections.
Perhaps, it conveys the union of the soul and mind in an artistic way. The fluid watercolour effect of this design is created by the subtle colour gradient. The dark outlining of the two organs redefines their complexity. The fine floral detailing on the sides accentuates the aesthetics of this captivating design. This dainty tattoo can be a good first choice if you wish to have a unique yet meaningful design. This multifaceted organ is the seat of intelligence and controls all our emotions.
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So you don’t have to hesitate to put it on your body. As the brain is the most complex thing in the world, this brain-looking design gives you a fascinating look. That’s why all people are willing to draw different kinds of brain tattoo ideas on their bodies. @zombieliquorart via Instagram – Love this design?
This is a delightful brain tattoo idea for you. No one can deny that they draw it on their body parts. We included it in our collection for its beauty. The blood can block the movement of fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. As a result, an excess of fluid puts pressure on the brain and can damage tissues. Treatment for an unruptured brain aneurysm may be appropriate in some cases and may prevent a rupture in the future.
Mayo Clinic Press
"The typical presentation is somebody who has the worst headache of their life." Every type of cancer – even very rare ones – have a ribbon of their own. The three most familiar cancer ribbon colors correlate with the most common types of cancer. These designs are also used in conjunction with motivational quotes or refrains.

The workings of the human brain can be an intriguing discussion, but we’re far from understanding all its functions at the cellular level. It requires a lot of effort and creativity to ink a human brain on the skin. A brain tattoo can signify that the wearer values wisdom and can be regarded as a logical person.
Anatomical Brain Tattoo
The brain is inked in crisp black lines with minimal details. The clasped hands, vividly inked in shades of blue, accentuate the artistic brilliance of this design. Your arms can be the ideal site to place this design.

It means that you are listening to your brain and heart together. A lot of people fall into confusion to listen to the brain or listen to heart. This tattoo reminds you that you should hear both.
Tattoo Twist
People know the heart for the love symbol and the brain as a knowledge symbol. They both make fantastic tattoo designs together. It is like a combination of Hearth and brain.
Aneurysms often form at forks or branches in arteries because those areas of the vessels are weaker. In some cases, an aneurysm may leak a slight amount of blood. This leaking may cause only a sudden, extremely severe headache.
The brain symbolizes intelligence, power and knowledge. You can choose any color for your tattoo design. Most survivor tattoos reference moving forward from illness, injury, disease, or dangerous situations . An aneurysm is an abnormal bulge or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel. Brain aneurysms develop as a result of thinning artery walls.
This vibrant tattoo art should be placed along the length of your arms or legs. Mostly the boys like it because women like cute and beautiful tattoo designs. So you can put this tattoo to prove your masculinity. This heart-shaped brain tattoo is the most famous design now.
Try a Temporary Tattoo Incorporating a skull is a great way of adding an air of mystery to your brain tattoo. The brain and the skull tattoo is inked in contrasting shades to make it visually appealing. This tattoo design carries the message of strength as the brain remains protected inside the hard covering of the skull. The side of your legs or back can be the ideal site to place this tattoo. @moldavitattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo Single line tattoos of the brain using black ink reflects minimalism in its truest form.

The illustration shows an individual with an unruptured aneurysm. The inset shows what happens when the aneurysm ruptures. @pigment.karolinakrawczyk via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo The human brain, inside a light bulb, indicates the emergence of an innovative idea. The subtle white shading on the bulb creates a transparent surface resembling glass.
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